Upcoming service window 17/10-23

6 timer

Vedligeholdelsen er nu færdig. Tak for din tålmodighed.


Den planlagte vedligeholdelse er nu i gang. Vi holder dig opdateret om vores fremskridt.


Service: Cloud service Hosted Firewalls, Customer client routers Security patches,

Affected Applications: Hosted Firewalls, Local CPE Routers without redundancy (fixed telephony, if using our internet)

Duration and possible impact during upgrade/maintenance:

During the maintenance window, there will be a short interruption of approximately 10 seconds when falling over to secondary firewalls during services. When security patches applies to Clients end users routers, there are expected up to 15 minutes of downtime for clients without redundant setup. Clients with redundant cluster routers are expected to have an interruption of 5 minutes

Rollback plan: In the event of unexpected issues during or after the upgrade, we advise you to do a power recycle of your Juniper router to solve any issues.

Purpose of maintenance: Security patches of production systems

please find more about maintenance on https://status.dstny.dk/

Avatar for Morten Brendstrup
Morten Brendstrup
Begyndte kl:

Berørte komponenter
  • Netværk / Internet
    • TDC Fiber
    • Global Connect
    • DSL forbindelser